Contact Us
Let's have a chat about how you can help make lasting change in your community.
We’re a friendly bunch of professionals and would welcome you to our meetings. Just send a request and all the details will be sent to you.
We’d be happy to have you.
We're also happy if you just want to get involved in a particular project, or suggest a project for us to look at.
What Do we do?
Our multigenerational club members are passionate about volunteering to help.
Our passion leads us abroad.
And so much more....
That’s Rotary!! Come and join us in our passion.
Presidents: Luke Schoen, Kenton Farrow
Immediate P.P: Richard Schroder
Admin, Secretariat: Ken Hopley, Norm Thomson, Keith Thom
Membership: Susie Morgan, Ted Waters, Ginny Parker
Foundation: David Park
Community: Virginia Parker, Susie Morgan, Angela Brooks, Courtney Farrow, Michael Simpson
Youth programs & Environment: Evelyn Ciocco, Courtney Farrow, Michael Simpson
International: Richard Schroder, Lynne Shori
Fundraising: Kenton farrow, Ted Waters
Media and Communications: Angela Brooks, Nick Venn
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