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The Umoja Orphanage in Kenya was founded by a Rotary member from Bundaberg, Cathy Booth.
The Umoja Orphanage in Kenya was founded by a Rotary member from Bundaberg, Cathy Booth. The success of the facility is largely due to Rotary support and grants.
At the time of writing, there are 13 children in the orphanage, aged 2 months to 12 years. It is self-sustainable through farming and livestock.
In July 2018 one of our Club members held a "charity lunch" at their home to raise funds to send to the Umoja Orphanage in Ukunda, Kenya. The lunch was fun and a great success with most of our Club members and their partners attending, as well as friends and relatives.
We held a silent auction and an auction of other items of interest. Our then President did a wonderful job in raising almost $1,000 for an original watercolour painted by a family member.
In total the sum of $3,242 was raised and a matching Grant from Rotary District enabled us to send a donation to the Orphanage of $6,000.
This was then followed by another donation to build and maintain a greenhouse for the production of tomatoes.
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